The Destructive Nature of the Mind Made Entity

Rawad Sheikh
3 min readAug 5, 2020
Mind Made Entities are the reason behind all psychological sufferings for humanity.

Mind Made Entities are the reason behind all psychological sufferings for humanity.

Mind Made Entity is the voice in the head or the conditioned mind made patterns that creates an entity which is energized and amplified by the emotions and more conditioned thoughts captured by the entity to strengthen its presence ( Echo ) which confuse you with who you truly are ( your true authentic identity )

This Entity varies from one person to another based on the person’s consciousness which is identified by the mind made conditioned patterns

Some of these entities are heavy, quite dramatic, or angry or very dense and sad , victimised ,easily upset , looking in a depressive or anxious lens to life situations , always looking out for some perceived painful experiences or injuries to magnify its presence or always ready to jump in defense .

Even the view point is invested by the sense of self, so even if someone questioned the point of view of an entity, this can lead to aggression and tension , the peaceful discussion with that entity is impossible, because a peaceful discussion means there is some little degree of misidentification with the defensed illusory mind made entity , there is a little space, and entities can not survive in the presence of this space so as much as you argue with the entity, it only strengthen its existence due to the fear of the misidentification.

you need to be aware of those entities in your life and observe if someone is getting upset or defensive, you know immediately it is because of identification of conditioned mind made identity, however you need to feel compassionate with those identified and at the grip of those entities , because underneath this entity there is a beautiful peaceful being, so you should be an observer and witness your mind , thus you will be no longer in the grip of the entity , once awareness arises the entities cannot survive , because entities survive on un aware state of being , hypnotic like state.

When things happens to you you could either maintain your consciousness and light of awareness or you may fall into being identified with entities, which leads to suffering to oneself and others.

The Entity always personalise things for example ( he/she is trying to be little me , betray me , he/she is trying to outsmart me , deceive me and the list goes on ) or I am lost , I am alone , I have been betrayed and many other disturbed entities.

The Entity can not be convinced of its illusory nature, arguing with these entities is a losing battle and waste of time.

Because, these entities love to grow and get energized by more arguing. ( entities love to hear about it self ), it will draw you and the minute you argue with one of these illusory entities, you are already trapped in your own mind made conditioned patterns

In a nutshell , you will always encounter in your life people who will manifest a great density of one or more of these entities , those people create suffering for themselves and others , they are in their evolutionary journey of awakening, it might take a while for them to realize this , meanwhile they become your best teacher because they force you into more intense presence or they may draw you in the grip of their illusory entity to energize it and make it bigger through your unconsciousness.



Rawad Sheikh

I am a Female Artist, with passion for wellbeing, organic lifestyle, Dancing, Art and Human culture @rawad.artist , @the_wellness_space