Hugs for a Peaceful, Prosper, Joyous CompassionateWorld & Reasons behind Humans Hearts Desensitisation

Rawad Sheikh
4 min readSep 1, 2020
Me, celebrating humanity, joy, compassion and embracing a creative colourful life:)
Me, Celebrating Joy, Compassion, Humanity and Embracing a Creative Colourful Lifestyle

Did you ever wondered why the world is overwhelmingly filled with violence, hate , jealousy , resentments , livid, and a whole spectrum of other negative feelings/vibes ! did you ever tried to reason why our universe is experiencing an unprecedented disease called “ Toxic-19,20,21,50,,,,3000” . Did you ever tried to think about how we could collectively alleviate the exponential impact of this dreadful phenomena and transform this disease to serve for the betterment of humanity.

Through my in-depth observation of what might be one of the well grounded reasons of such a spike, is due to the fact that people are losing gradually their heartfelt compassionate sensations . Key values like empathy, warmth , humanity, and affection are lacking sufficient presence across societies and ranking down on the list .

From my perspective, the chief causes of such trend and shift is due to the following:

1- Lack of Hugs, yes Hugs :) , apart from Covide19, most people No longer yearn for a genuine warm, uplifting, authentic human hug. Inevitably , lacking feel good relieving hormones produced by a genuine supportive hug .Which results subsequently in aggregation of negative emotions produced amidst prolonged daily demanding ,exhaustive stresses. Without the availability of a healthy channels of human communication that brings about a sense of security , goodness , genuine support, calmness and most importantly invite and intensify the presence of good values such as forgiveness , kindness and tolerance, and that is because . I certainly believe that a genuine human hug, reminds people of our shared humanity , vulnerability and common shared values of tolerance ,empathy, compassion, integrity and authenticity.

2- The projection of some media platforms and movies that depicts and showcase acts of violence , revenge and the dark side of un-awakened souls, such types of contents, contribute to the proliferation of numbed sensations, lack of humanity, compassion and empathy, since viewers get acquainted after some time to scenes of violence ,rage, disrespect , intolerant, inconsiderate, un-compassionate, un cooperative behaviours, accompanied with significant poor levels of key values such as kindness and humanity

Not only that, the societal damage extend to serious reduced levels of creativity, since as we all know, creativity bloom in a well nurtured , supportive, loving, compassionate, passionate, peaceful/secure and joyous environment.

3- Excessive exposure to digitalized social platforms which do not compensate to personal real live encounters. Unrestricted exposure to social media and lack of controlled digital detox , encourage some people to freely exhibit certain acts of short-fall politeness, empathy, compassion and humanity, as they hide behind virtual screens and become desensitized to human sensations.

4- embracing quite practical, rushed life. The fact that many people nowadays embrace a high pace, rushed lifestyle, resulted in an obvious lack of human interactions on daily life. Even when human intervention is crucial, people treat and respond to each other from a space of their assumed role or title. For example , the relationship between patient and physician, between waiter and guest , flight attendance and passenger , delivery person and the receiver , and much more,,, transactional de-humanized role-play deteriorated humans genuine authentic bonds.

5 — lack of Art and human culture exposure. Art and culture bridge the gap between people and open channel of dialogue between nations. Since Art is a neutral language that connects all humans regardless of their gender, race or religion . Art in all forms such as music, theatre, visual arts, poetry , calligraphy, sculpting plant the seeds of compassion, beauty, kindness , tolerance, creativity , and humanity in people hearts which help societies bloom in prosperity and thrive in success.

6- lack of access to nature, we all know the influential healing and soothing power of nature. Nature acts as a catalyst that exude and ignite the existing innate beauty and creative force inside each one of us. Connecting with mother nature through meditative walk or any form of experiencing nature, opens and fills the heart with a joyous, blissful, peaceful and creative loving force, which subsequently make people bonds well rooted and grounded on mutual compassion and shared humanity, hence produce progressive and awakened enlightened societies.

Having said that , I believe that our collective efforts will serve as a powerful catalyst to transform societies into a much more humanised, compassionate , mannerly, creative , joyous and peaceful , which results in a notable exponential increase in GDP gain as a result of a proactive, efficient, responsive , ethical, genuine compassionate human communication, grounded on shared humanity beyond assumed transactional roles.

May you all be showered with joy , love, creativity , peace, harmony and lots of intense hugs :) 🤗



Rawad Sheikh

I am a Female Artist, with passion for wellbeing, organic lifestyle, Dancing, Art and Human culture @rawad.artist , @the_wellness_space